Re: Patches installed during shutdown
Richard Fangnail wrote:
>>> I just received update 933360 through Autoupdates. The yellow shield
>>> near the clock as usual and I wasn't sure why I was getting updated.
>>> Nothing happened for 10-15 minutes and then it said it would install
>>> the patch during shutdown, which it did. I understand this is because
>>> I shut down after the loading and before the installing of the
>>> update. It's only installed updates this way one time before.
>>> My autoupdate time is set for 3AM. Why did it install that way?
>> Windows version of the machine in question?
>> How do you have Automatic Updates configured?
>> --
> I have XP SP2 and Automatic Updates is set for the first option
> (Automatic).
I have no explanation for why 933360 didn't install immediately, Richard.
It may be related to the applications you were running when the update was
> This 933360 update is not listed in the usual update bulletins I
> read. These were last updated Aug 14.
Non-security related updates such as 933360 can be "pushed" via Automatic
Updates (AU) at any time. Usually such updates are "pushed" on the fourth
Tuesday of the month (e.g., 28 Aug-07).
> Here's another question: Just now, the yellow shield appeared for a
> few seconds near the clock and went away. Nothing else happened.
> What would that mean?
I've found that such behavior usually means that AU found an available
update for the machine (e.g., Windows Defender definitions) but was unable
to download and/or install it for whatever reason (e.g., excessive demand on
the server).
>>> My autoupdate time is set for 3AM.
Assuming the machine's seldom, if ever running and connected to the internet
at 3:00 AM, I'd recommend that you select a more appropriate time setting.
=> Windows Update-specific newsgroup:
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)