Plastc Card pre-orders surpass $5.2 million worldwide

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Justin Herrick


Across the world, there are people who want thinner wallets and more secure payment options. This kind of desire is so strong that Plastc Card, which stores everything digitally into one card, has generated $5.2 million in pre-orders after just one week. Top markets for pre-orders were the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Malaysia. Simple math shows that roughly 33,000 people pre-ordered Plastc Card. Clearly, there is a real demand. It is now up to the company to actually deliver.

Plastc Card is scheduled to ship in Summer 2015.

Plastc Hits Record High The First Week of Pre-Order Campaign Selling over $5.2 Million in Plastc Cards

Global Adoption Continues to Grow for the Intelligently Designed and Secure Digital Card

PALO ALTO, CALIF. October 28, 2014 Plastc creator of the Plastc Card, the most intelligently-designed, secure digital card ever invented, announced today the success of its preorder campaign. In the first week of launch, Plastc sold over $5.2 million of Plastc Cards to people worldwide looking for a simple and elegant way to store their many credit & debit cards, loyalty and gift cards, access cards and more in a single, minimalist card. The Plastc Card retails for USD $155 and is available for pre-order on Plastc will ship its first Plastc Cards in Summer 2015.

“The growing worldwide demand for Plastc Card illustrates the real need people have to bridge the physical and digital wallet,” said Ryan Marquis, chief operating officer and co-founder of Plastc. “Our intuition was correct, based on our customers’ feedback and the preorders we have received so far.“

In addition to huge pre-orders from the U.S., the company also witnessed strong preorder sales in top international markets, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and Malaysia. Plastc Card’s robust technology features include:

  • PlastcCard comes with an E-Ink ink Touchscreen, a proprietary wafer thin digital display using the technology that shows your name, credit card, barcodes and much more.
  • The Rewritable magnetic strip enables the behavior of the card to change depending on which card you select.
  • PlastcCard will ship with Chip and PIN hardware which means that it will work globally after a Plastc firmware update in late 2015.
  • Rewriteable NFC/RFID technology that lets Plastc Card mimic any RFID access cards.
  • Low energy Bluetooth (BLE) is included within Plastc Card for connecting with the accompanying Wallet app.
  • If your Card is left behind or away from your phone for a predetermined amount of time, Plastc Card will remote wipe your data to prevent fraudulent activity.
  • Return Me Modehelps your card find its way back to you by displaying a message on the e-ink screen when it’s lost.
  • Built in flash memory allows for you to store up to 20 cards at once.
  • Plastc Card will display your photo ID and signature on the E-Ink touch screen so you are giving additional forms of identification to the retailer.
  • 30-Day Battery Life + Wireless Charging you will experience about 30 days of battery life.
  • A built in light sensor detects when Plastc Card is in or out of your wallet, allowing Plastc Card to save battery life and only display information while in use.

“We are inspired by all of our Plastc fans out there. We didn’t fully expect the volumes of pre-orders that we’re seeing on a daily basis. We are fully committed to delivering on our promise of producing the industry’s most intelligent, secure digital card ever invented, and are looking forward to getting the Plastc Card to market,” stated Marquis.

Fast Facts on Plastc Pre-Order

Plastc experienced a number of additional notable milestones for its launch in the first week of launch including:?

  • Plastc’s video saw over 1.3 million views and continues to rise
  • Top buyers of Plastc Card were early adopters, ranging in age of 25-34 years of age
  • 45.8% of preorder sales came from female buyers, while 55.2% were male
  • U.S. cities where people ordered the most include New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and Seattle

Plastc’s Refer a Friend Program

On top of Plastc Card’s tremendous growth numbers, Plastc’s referral campaign has also led to success. At launch, Plastc introduced a give $20 get $20 referral program. Those that pre-order Plastc Card will have the option to refer as many friends and family to purchase Plastc Card as well, and for each person that accepts the offer the original purchaser will receive a $20 Amazon gift card at the time of shipping, and the referred will receive $20 off the purchase of their Plastc Card. There is no limit to the referral program at this point.

For additional details please see

About Plastc

Plastc ( is a Fin Tech company focused on designing innovative products that improve the lives of everyday people.

Plastc Card is the most intelligently designed, full-featured, and secure payment device on the market. In conjunction with the Plastc Wallet app, the Plastc Card can store credit, debit, gift, loyalty, membership, and even access cards on a single device. Each Plastc Card is equipped with a secure PIN lock, proximity alerts, and a unique ‘Return Me’ mode, making it more secure than both traditional credit cards and other payment technologies.

Plastc was founded by entrepreneurs and technologists Ryan Marquis and Mark Stubbs in 2012 and is based in Palo Alto, California.

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