Jared Peters

Performance draining apps were considered on a combination of battery drain, storage space used, and data consumption, and Facebook rounded out the top 10. Yep, the Facebook app that nearly everyone has installed is responsible for more performance drain than any other app. Some other culprits include Facebook-owned Instagram, Path, Spotify, and BlackBerry Messenger.
The second list just focused on which apps drained the most battery, and Samsung embarrassingly managed to snag 3 of the top 10 spots on the list. Samsung’s AllShare Cast Dongle updated took the top spot, with ChatOn at number 2 and WatchOn at number 5. While it’s technically not a Samsung app, the number 3 battery draining app was the Beaming Service for Beep’n’Go, which sometimes does come preloaded on Samsung devices. Facebook grabbed the number 6 spot on this list.
The list for which apps use the most storage spins some negative light on other pretty commonly used apps, too. The number 1 app was the New York Times Breaking News app, while Spotify sits at number 3, Facebook at number 4, and Google Chrome at number 5. Surprisingly, Google Play Music didn’t break the top 10, but Instagram showed up on this list again.
AVG separated the most performance hungry games in their own category, and it shows that games from Candy Crush Saga developer King are responsible for quite a bit of battery drain. 4 of the top 10 games were developed by King, although Minecraft snagged the number 4 spot and Angry Birds pulled up at number 10.
You can check out the full list of apps at the break. How many of these performance draining apps do you have installed on your devices?
source: Cnet
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