Jeff Causey
Verizon announced today that they are adding two LG tablets to the portfolio of devices that customers can choose from this holiday season. Joining the 8.3-inch LG G Pad will be the LG G Pad 7.0 LTE and the LG G Pad 10.1 LTE. These new tablets will give buyers a good choice of sizes to meet their needs.
Both of the new LG G Pad models come with HD IPS displays running at 1280 x 800 resolution. They will be running Android KitKat using 1.2 GHz quad-core processors and 1GB of RAM. Other than size, the biggest difference is in the battery with the 10.1-inch version getting an 8,000mAh battery while the smaller 7-inch version gets a 4,000mAh battery.
The tablets are not going to win any spec battles with some of the newer tablets on the market. If you are willing to forego top-tier specs, Verizon is offering the tablets with some special pricing. The LG G Pad 7.0 LTE can be purchased for $49.99 with a two-year contract or $249.99 full retail. Meanwhile, the LG G Pad 10.1 LTE will sell for $299.99 retail or $199.99 with a two-year contract. The LTE capable tablets can be added to a MORE Everything account for an extra $10 per month fee.
Verizon indicates they will be holding a special “Connection Day” on Wednesday, Nov. 26th. If buyers are on a MORE Everything plan and register for the event, they will get an extra 1GB of data on both their current billing cycle and the next billing cycle. Verizon is also providing special offers from Amazon, Apple, Boingo Wireless, Condé Nast, Gogo, JetBlue and Pandora.
source: Verizon
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