Brad Ward

Tablets have never been a strong point when it comes to Android, and it seems that manufactures agree with intentions to begin phasing out various tablet-IC businesses, according to Taiwanese industry sources.
Shipments of tablets running Android could be less than 160 million units in 2015, according to sources. These same sources predict that numbers could fall to as low as 120 million in 2016. While 120 million is a staggering number for a years worth of sales, it’s really nothing to write home over. After all, Android tablets are created by many different companies, all pricing their tablets at different levels, mostly at very low prices.
Many vendors are leaving the tablet-IC market due to these low prices simply because they’re seeing low profits and low demand. Interestingly, despite these findings, competition between tablet chip makers remains high, according to the report from Digitimes. There’s no official confirmation, but this could largely be due to some of the more popular Android names out there–Google’s Nexus 9, Samsung’s Galaxy Tab S2, and so on.
Either way, Android tablets are seeing a rather hefty decline, and there doesn’t seem to be a plan for recovering these numbers.
source: Digitimes
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