A friend's Windows 98 SE at start made clicking sounds from hard drive, then
said startup disk was needed. Startup disk was inserted.
Screen said:
Pri Master HDD Error
Run Setup
Press F1 to resume
Then it said
Start computer with CD Rom support or
Without CD-Rom support
We didn't know which to choose so we went with CD Rom support
Then it said PCI Bus Scan completed
C drive does not contain FAT or FAT 32 partition
Drive may need to be partitioned
Run Fdisk from DOS prompt
But there was only a prompt for the A drive, and we couldn't get it to
change to the C drive, so we did HELP.
Help said a lot of stuff about loading CDRom Driver and RamDrive but it was
hard to understand was not telling us what to do next.
It also mentioned starting up in Safe Mode, but we would have no idea what
to do once we got into safe mode.
Should we have chosen the option with or without CD Rom support?
Does this look like something fixable or something more seirous
If the partitioning of the C drive has been lost, does that mean all the
data, programs, etc. has been lost?
Is this something that Dell tech support can walk us through?
Thanks for any help,
said startup disk was needed. Startup disk was inserted.
Screen said:
Pri Master HDD Error
Run Setup
Press F1 to resume
Then it said
Start computer with CD Rom support or
Without CD-Rom support
We didn't know which to choose so we went with CD Rom support
Then it said PCI Bus Scan completed
C drive does not contain FAT or FAT 32 partition
Drive may need to be partitioned
Run Fdisk from DOS prompt
But there was only a prompt for the A drive, and we couldn't get it to
change to the C drive, so we did HELP.
Help said a lot of stuff about loading CDRom Driver and RamDrive but it was
hard to understand was not telling us what to do next.
It also mentioned starting up in Safe Mode, but we would have no idea what
to do once we got into safe mode.
Should we have chosen the option with or without CD Rom support?
Does this look like something fixable or something more seirous
If the partitioning of the C drive has been lost, does that mean all the
data, programs, etc. has been lost?
Is this something that Dell tech support can walk us through?
Thanks for any help,