Justin Herrick

UPDATE: HTC’s Mo Versi tweeted that the handset will be seeing a software update go live tonight that includes the November security patch as well as improvements to the camera and battery.
Original story:
When the One A9 was announced last month, HTC received a lot of attention for committing to timely software updates. The company stated that the One A9, its current flagship, would receive software updates within fifteen days of Google’s Nexus devices. Being that fifteen days is an extremely short amount of time, many are concerned that HTC will not be able to execute. HTC previously committed to ninety days in the past and even that was troublesome for the company. But HTC is set to push out the November security patch as soon as possible.

An HTC stated the following:
“We expect the software update with Google’s November security patches to receive TA (Technical Acceptance) later toady and roll out to customers immediately thereafter.”
The November security update did reach Nexus devices more than fifteen days ago; therefore, HTC already missed its self-imposed deadline. Still, HTC deserves praise because no other company is pushing software updates with comparable speed. Devices from Samsung and LG won’t see Marshmallow until 2016 and even Motorola’s flagship Moto X Pure Edition is currently lacking the latest version of Android.
Via: Android Central
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