Re: Updates don't install after downloading
NickP schrieb am 11.07.2007:
> I have the exact same problem.. HELP ANYBODY??
> "eugene beckett" wrote:
>> update downloads 77 updates yet doesn't install - update screen shows 77
>> download with 0 installed.
Register the following files
start | run => regsvr32 [name of *.dll] press enter
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll
cryptdlg.dll, dssenh.dll, gpkcsp.dll, initpki.dll, jscript.dll,
mssip32.dll, msxml.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, qmgr.dll,
qmgrprxy.dll, rsaenh.dll, sccbase.dll, slbcsp.dll, softpub.dll,
vbscript.dll, wintrust.dll, wuapi.dll, wuaueng.dll, wuaueng1.dll,
wuauserv.dll, wucltui.dll, wups.dll, wups2.dll, wuweb.dll
Gruß Christine