Doug Demagistris
If you noticed that the clock widget on your homescreen changed in size recently, you’re not alone. Google pushed out a minor update to its Clock application yesterday bringing some fixes and adjustments.
Other than a few minor tweaks and bug fixes, there’s only one change in the new update for Google’s Clock application. It has to do with widgets. If you update apps regularly and have a widget for Google’s Clock app on your homescreen like me, you might have noticed a small adjustment. Google’s analog and digital clock widgets are now resizable. It’s hard to believe that this update just went into place now, but it’s the truth. When altering the size of the widget, the clock will now get bigger in size instead of just changing the alignment. You might also spot a new drop shadow, which has been added to the digital clock widget.
Version 4.3 of Google’s Clock application is now live in the Play Store. Grab it at the link below.
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