Doug Demagistris

Do you remember the HTC Desire 816 that launched back in 2014? Well, the handset has begun receiving Android 6.0 in Saudi Arabia.
The Desire 816 Dual–SIM model is the one being updated. This update comes in at a large size because it includes the major Android 6.0 overhaul and HTC’s Sense UI version 7.0.
The update will bring all the latest features from Google including doze mode for battery saving, Now On Tap for contextual awareness, and simplified app permissions to keep you in control of your data. The update is rolling out in waves and should hit other territories soon. If you haven’t received the notification to update yet, try going into your device settings under ‘About Phone’ and then ‘check for new software updates.’
Prior to starting the update process, make sure you have enough battery life to make it through the end so that there are no disruptions. We also recommend connecting to a nearby Wi-Fi network so that you don’t use your monthly data.
Source: HTC
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