"driver irql not less or equal to"

  • Thread starter Thread starter jimmyt4@atlanticbb.net
  • Start date Start date


I am installing Windows XP on a machine which had Windows Server 2003
installed prior to. The XP installation gets to 34 Min left and gives
a blue screen with the error "driver irql not less or equal to" any
ideas or solutions?
Re: "driver irql not less or equal to"

jimmyt4@atlanticbb.net wrote:
> I am installing Windows XP on a machine which had Windows Server 2003
> installed prior to. The XP installation gets to 34 Min left and gives
> a blue screen with the error "driver irql not less or equal to" any
> ideas or solutions?
> Thanks,

You're doing a clean install, of course. The error message indicates a
hardware problem. Are you sure the hardware supports XP on this machine
and that there are XP drivers available? If yes, then strip it down to
just the video card (usually onboard for servers anyway), one hard
drive, one optical drive. Make sure no peripherals are attached. Then
try again.

Setup stops responding with 34 minutes remaining

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