Re: i need help with ready boost
"Victek" <> wrote in message
>> i have a strange problem with readyboost,when i click on the readyboost
>> tab it gives me no options to test my usb stick ? it just tells me: the
>> device is plugged into an unsupported interface? strange as im usb 2,
>> all of the usb sockets on my computer are ? any1 no why this is ? so i
>> dont know if my usb stick is good 4 readyboost
> You troubleshoot by isolating variables. The variables are your USB key
> and your USB ports. So, try your USB key in different USB ports on your
> computer. If that doesn't make a difference try your USB key in a
> different computer running Vista. Also, if you know someone using
> ReadyBoost you could try his USB key on your computer.
> It's possible that your ports are not compatible, your key is not
> compatible, or both.
My own experience with readyboost (which seemed to be responsible for
trashing a 4GB memory flash drive after a couple of weeks) is that it
produces insignificant benefits and is quite flakey and altogether best
avoided. Save up and buy proper memory! However if you do use it, it is
probably as well to leave a small part of the flash drive as a separate
partition normal so that if things go wrong you can attempt to reformat the
flash drive. Perhaps I have just been unlucky or not given it a fair trial.
Is anyone delighted with it? - Doug