Re: [Rival] Nothing New to Find in Vista, Apart from Microsoft Spin, Lies, and Hype
On Sep 9, 9:14 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@schestowitz.com> wrote:
> Why upgrade to Vista?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Now let's discuss Microsoft's four reasons to upgrade. First, the
> | improvements in searching for data. I use Google Desktop which gives me
> | Google's world class search functionality across all my files and emails. The
> | cost...Zero! It runs great on XP. No need to upgrade for this.
> `----
> http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/eai/madgreek/archives/why-upgrade-to-vista...
> Vista Basic vs XP: IT pros
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | These are the features Microsoft labelled the "core vista experience". There
> | are quite a few of them, so in this part I will go through those more
> | specifically targeted at IT professionals.
> |
> | Pluggable logon authentication architecture: correct me if I'm wrong, but
> | isn't this something that has been available in Unix systems for years?
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | Application Compatibility features: no kidding, it's actually listed as a
> | feature in the official MS documentation.
> `----
> http://vista-how-to.blogspot.com/2007_08_26_archive.html
> More hilarious spin (commissioned 'studies'), just days after another
> commissioned 'study' argued that Vista saves in terms of hardware costs,
> compared to XP (?!?!?!?!?!).
> Is Microsoft Vista Global Warming Friendly?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Is Microsoft Vista global warming friendly? Could Vista be the best selling
> | cleantech product in the world? I was thinking about this question the other
> | day, and started emailing the Microsoft press relations folks
> | looking for an answer.
> |
> | The Microsoft answer - yes it is. They have a recent release
> | entitled "Windows Vista Power Management Features Can Help UK Companies
> | Reduce Their Carbon Footprint" on some independent research they had done by
> | PC Pro Labs in the UK.
> `----
> http://www.cleantechblog.com/2007/09/is-microsoft-vista-global-warmin...
> Related:
> Here is where they talk about hardware costs:
> Microsoft starts a "Get the Facts" campaign...against itself
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Imagine the kind of savings you could get if you just stopped using Windows
> | altogether! Few to no security issues. Less administration. Etc.
> |
> | By the way, the study claims that switching to Vista saves on hardware costs.
> | How could this possibly be, when everything I have ever read on Vista is that
> | it is a resource hog? You spend more on hardware with Vista, not less.
> |
> | Anyway, Microsoft must really be hurting if it has to resort to beating up on
> | its most stable product in years. It's clearly desperate to get people to
> | move off XP (you know, the Windows OS that actually has hardware/peripheral
> | support, a lot of software written for it, needs a lighter hardware platform,
> | etc.). Maybe the open-source crowd should just wait for Microsoft to beat
> | itself into oblivion.
> `----
> http://blogs.cnet.com/8301-13505_1-9773662-16.html?part=rss&tag=feed&...
> Vista poses environmental dangers
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Microsoft Vista could have serious environmental implications,
> | experts have warned.
> |
> | The latest version of Windows uses encryption methods that are
> | incompatible with some older PCs. It also features high-end
> | graphics capabilities that can only run on newer hardware.
> `----
> http://www.computing.co.uk/computing/news/2174400/vista-poses-environ...
> Greenpeace: Vista could trigger a deluge of electronic waste
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Beau Baconguis of the Southeast Asia section of the environmental
> | protection organization Greenpeace has warned that the introduction
> | by Microsoft of its new operating system Windows Vista might as a
> | side effect trigger a deluge of electronic waste (E-waste). "With
> | Vista, Microsoft could effectively hasten the obsolesence of half
> | the world's PCs, especially in the absence of fully-functioning
> | global take back systems for PCs," Ms. Baconguis declared.
> `----
> http://www.heise.de/english/newsticker/news/84816/from/rss09
> Vista gets slated - by the Greens
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The Green Party has slammed Microsoft and it's forthcoming operating
> | system, Windows Vista, in a withering attack on the company's "monopoly".
> |
> | Microsoft not only takes criticism for allegedly environmentally
> | unfriendly policies, but for attacking civil liberties.
> |
> | The party claims that "Vista gives Microsoft the ability to lock
> | you out of your computer," and that "Microsoft are determined not
> | to play fair" in the video content market.
> `----
> http://www.webuser.co.uk/news/news.php?id=107813
Why do you spam the Linux groups with this crap?
And why would anyone listen to a person who has apparently castrated
I don't know if this is you or not, but the name matches and you do
seem to be a bit unbalanced.
On Sep 9, 9:14 am, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@schestowitz.com> wrote:
> Why upgrade to Vista?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Now let's discuss Microsoft's four reasons to upgrade. First, the
> | improvements in searching for data. I use Google Desktop which gives me
> | Google's world class search functionality across all my files and emails. The
> | cost...Zero! It runs great on XP. No need to upgrade for this.
> `----
> http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/eai/madgreek/archives/why-upgrade-to-vista...
> Vista Basic vs XP: IT pros
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | These are the features Microsoft labelled the "core vista experience". There
> | are quite a few of them, so in this part I will go through those more
> | specifically targeted at IT professionals.
> |
> | Pluggable logon authentication architecture: correct me if I'm wrong, but
> | isn't this something that has been available in Unix systems for years?
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | Application Compatibility features: no kidding, it's actually listed as a
> | feature in the official MS documentation.
> `----
> http://vista-how-to.blogspot.com/2007_08_26_archive.html
> More hilarious spin (commissioned 'studies'), just days after another
> commissioned 'study' argued that Vista saves in terms of hardware costs,
> compared to XP (?!?!?!?!?!).
> Is Microsoft Vista Global Warming Friendly?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Is Microsoft Vista global warming friendly? Could Vista be the best selling
> | cleantech product in the world? I was thinking about this question the other
> | day, and started emailing the Microsoft press relations folks
> | looking for an answer.
> |
> | The Microsoft answer - yes it is. They have a recent release
> | entitled "Windows Vista Power Management Features Can Help UK Companies
> | Reduce Their Carbon Footprint" on some independent research they had done by
> | PC Pro Labs in the UK.
> `----
> http://www.cleantechblog.com/2007/09/is-microsoft-vista-global-warmin...
> Related:
> Here is where they talk about hardware costs:
> Microsoft starts a "Get the Facts" campaign...against itself
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Imagine the kind of savings you could get if you just stopped using Windows
> | altogether! Few to no security issues. Less administration. Etc.
> |
> | By the way, the study claims that switching to Vista saves on hardware costs.
> | How could this possibly be, when everything I have ever read on Vista is that
> | it is a resource hog? You spend more on hardware with Vista, not less.
> |
> | Anyway, Microsoft must really be hurting if it has to resort to beating up on
> | its most stable product in years. It's clearly desperate to get people to
> | move off XP (you know, the Windows OS that actually has hardware/peripheral
> | support, a lot of software written for it, needs a lighter hardware platform,
> | etc.). Maybe the open-source crowd should just wait for Microsoft to beat
> | itself into oblivion.
> `----
> http://blogs.cnet.com/8301-13505_1-9773662-16.html?part=rss&tag=feed&...
> Vista poses environmental dangers
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Microsoft Vista could have serious environmental implications,
> | experts have warned.
> |
> | The latest version of Windows uses encryption methods that are
> | incompatible with some older PCs. It also features high-end
> | graphics capabilities that can only run on newer hardware.
> `----
> http://www.computing.co.uk/computing/news/2174400/vista-poses-environ...
> Greenpeace: Vista could trigger a deluge of electronic waste
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Beau Baconguis of the Southeast Asia section of the environmental
> | protection organization Greenpeace has warned that the introduction
> | by Microsoft of its new operating system Windows Vista might as a
> | side effect trigger a deluge of electronic waste (E-waste). "With
> | Vista, Microsoft could effectively hasten the obsolesence of half
> | the world's PCs, especially in the absence of fully-functioning
> | global take back systems for PCs," Ms. Baconguis declared.
> `----
> http://www.heise.de/english/newsticker/news/84816/from/rss09
> Vista gets slated - by the Greens
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The Green Party has slammed Microsoft and it's forthcoming operating
> | system, Windows Vista, in a withering attack on the company's "monopoly".
> |
> | Microsoft not only takes criticism for allegedly environmentally
> | unfriendly policies, but for attacking civil liberties.
> |
> | The party claims that "Vista gives Microsoft the ability to lock
> | you out of your computer," and that "Microsoft are determined not
> | to play fair" in the video content market.
> `----
> http://www.webuser.co.uk/news/news.php?id=107813
Why do you spam the Linux groups with this crap?
And why would anyone listen to a person who has apparently castrated
I don't know if this is you or not, but the name matches and you do
seem to be a bit unbalanced.