Matt Carter
Our company has a certificate from Verisign that has expired and we need /
want to update it to be well... certified. We are having some ... financial
trouble and would like to get a ligitimate / reputable one, but I only know
of Verisgn and they are expensive. I am also NOT sure what to get. There
are MANY options. I might need to talk to a sales rep., I just thought that
other people might know / recommend someone. I don't know what we need it
for, but we would have it on a Microsoft Windows Server Standard Edition 2003
R2 SP2 x32 system with IIS 6.x
This will be working with our OWA (Outlook Web Access) site / page.
want to update it to be well... certified. We are having some ... financial
trouble and would like to get a ligitimate / reputable one, but I only know
of Verisgn and they are expensive. I am also NOT sure what to get. There
are MANY options. I might need to talk to a sales rep., I just thought that
other people might know / recommend someone. I don't know what we need it
for, but we would have it on a Microsoft Windows Server Standard Edition 2003
R2 SP2 x32 system with IIS 6.x
This will be working with our OWA (Outlook Web Access) site / page.