Installing Windows Server 2008 EE on a Lenovo ThinkPad T61p


Oct 31, 2009
Florida U.S.A.
Found this at Keith Combs' Blahg and thought I'd pass it along to you.
I installed Windows Server 2008 Enterprise x64 VL on my Lenovo ThinkPad T61p. The VL stands for volume license and it allows me to activate via our corpnet KMS server or through MAK key activation. The bits I installed are likely the RTM bits. They are still being hammered and the build I installed has not been declared the shipping version just yet. Patience grasshopper.

The installation is really painless. In fact, if you are doing a Core install, you simply won't believe how fast the installation actually is. We interviewed some candidates for my team on 1/22 and I had proposed to the interview team that we should hand my HP 6910p to them, the Windows Server 2008 DVD, and tell each one of them to install and activate a Core installation. I thought it would be a great test since it only takes 20 minutes but I guess the other members of the team thought it would freak out the candidates.

You can the rest at Keith Combs' Blahg.