This step-by-step guide provides the instructions necessary to use User Account Control (UAC) in a test environment.
This document is not intended to provide a comprehensive, detailed description of UAC. Additional resources include the following:
This document is not intended to provide a comprehensive, detailed description of UAC. Additional resources include the following:
- All users of this step-by-step guide will also be interested in Getting Started with User Account Control on Windows Vista (Getting Started with User Account Control on Windows Vista ).
- For additional information for IT professionals, see Understanding and Configuring User Account Control in Windows Vista (Understanding and Configuring User Account Control in Windows Vista ).
- For information for developers and independent software vendors about how to develop applications for Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, see The Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 Developer Story: Windows Vista Application Development Requirements for User Account Control (UAC) (Windows Vista Application Development Requirements for User Account Control (UAC) ).