And another Task Scheduler problem....


Jan 23, 2009
I want to schedule a task that opens a webpage on the local server. I know the path is correct, adn that the site is functioning. I can type:

"C:\program files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" (path to local webpage)

in to the "Start/Run..." dialog and this launches the webpage in IE. Fine.

But when I set my task, nothing happens at the allotted time - even if I try the "Run on demand" option, nada.

I get an 0x41306 (or 1) "Last run result" show. Makes me wonder if there a setting somewhere wihtin IE perhaps that prevents it from being launched via a schedule? If so, or if anyone has a better idea, I'd be most grateful to know what it is...

Many thanks... (no more problems, promise! :o )
Re: And another Task Scheduler problem.... [update - sorted]

OK, so the task DOES run - but in Win2008 it runs without a GUI - the only way to knwo it;s running is to open Task Manager and watch the process start (and stop) there. Now I know...