File Replication Service

May 18, 2009

I am using Windows 2008 Server and have it installed as a Windows 2000 domain controller.

Out of pure stupidity I changed the drive letter which contained the SYSVOL share and managed to lock myself out of the computer.

I somehow managed to get back in a restore most things, however I still have problems with backup. Windows complains about creating the shadow copy and looking into the Event Viewer I found out I had still not fully handled the File Replication Service to handle properly.

The old SYSVOL location was e:\windows\sysvol\domain and the new one is c:\windows\sysvol\domain. But I continue getting the error: "The File Replication Service cannot replicate e:\windows\sysvol\domain because the pathname of the replicated directory is not the fully qualified pathname of an existing accessible local directory"

Naturally I though I could simply search through the system registry and change all instances of e:\windows\[...] to the right path and restart. However when I restart the paths have been changed back again and the FRS still will not start.

Can you please tell me how I can reconfigure the FRS Replica Set so it uses the right path or something like that?