Installation Freezes


Jun 13, 2009
In attempting to install Windows Server 2008 I get past all of the prompts and choices to the point where the install says:

Copying Windows files (0%)...

The install never advances beyond this 0% however and eventually the hourglass turns into a regular pointer cursor. There are no error messages or anything to help understand the problem... just the freeze.

Any ideas or experience with this?

On a less important but also confusing issue, I notice that the Windows install - Advanced option - doesn't give me an option to partition my drive. I do reach one window that says:

To make changes to partitions, restart Windows from the installation disc.

But, of course, I am using the installation disc so there is noplace for me to go. Any ideas? Thank you,

Dale F.
The only time I have seen the advanced options not available was when the partitions on the drives were where created with Linux or and Unix variant.

Maybe try formating the drive with Seatools and try the install again.