Cannot assign user rights (SeSecurityPrivilege)


Oct 1, 2009

I want to give another user (bkupuser1) the SeSecurityPrivilege like Administrator has.

I can see the Administrator has this right by doing Run As Admin on a CMD box, the typing

whoami /all

I tried to do it with a program called gpedit.msc (Group Policy Editor), this looked like what I wanted. It allowed me to add any number of special privileges to any user, and I did add SeSecurityPrivilege to the bkupuser1 - However, when I started a CMD prompt as the user and did: whoami /all

I could see the privilege was NOT granted to the user.

I tried gpupdate /force, but still no good.

I rebooted, still no good.

I tried using another program rsop.msc but that was no good either.

This is a very serious problem, as I do not wish to give out the Administrator user account. It should be possible to create a regular user account and assign the appropriate privileges.