File Server Windows 2008


New member
Nov 23, 2010
Good afternoon guys

On the file server windows 2008 is there a way to configure when the User to create a new file or directory on the network as it has the same owner? I'm having trouble on my network because it does not then have to assign the owner in the hand or else the report from the fileserver does not appear for all user created files on the network administrator are born with the landlord.
Are the users which are having this problem members of the administrator's group? Or are they just regular user accounts?
Any user who creates a folder the owner always default and the administrator. For example, User John group member COMCERCIAL creates a file or folder, the default owner is the administrator but I need the creator John can be owner at the time that it creates the file.

Please, I'm sorry my english bad, I'm from Brasil,Thank very much
Have a nice week.
I have seenthis article for repairing ownership problems when members of the administrators group need to be made the owner of their files rather than the administrator. I don't know that it would apply to you unless your users have accidentally been added to the local administrators group of the server. The default behavior of Server 2008 should be for non-administrative users to be the owner of objects which they create.