Easy Print Driver Not Printing Barcode Fonts


New member
Mar 22, 2011
When we upgrade from windows 2003 to windows 2008 server, from the clinet computers ( windows 7, xp etc) zebra barcode printer is not prining the barcode fonts.
Barcode printer is connection in the client pcs, and locally its working fine. When we connect to the server by terminal connection and give print from application software /
crystal report. The redirected printer is not printing the barcode font. We tried all the ways. Finally disabled the easy print driver from Group policy. Then its printing some
barcode which is not readable by the scanners. Is there any solution for this. When the connection was through windows 2003 server it was working fine.
have you already tried to map the printer directly to the TS session instead of redirect it?
can u tell me how to map it. We are not re directing, normally when we connect the remote session , the windows will automatically redirect all the printer on the local mechine and thus its get printed
on the local pcs. This is working fine. Only problem is what ever the barcode fonts that is defined in the Zebra printer it not getting correct in windows 2008 server
This was working fine if we connect to 2003 server.

All the options suggested for this issue, like updating .net frame work, disabling easy print driver all are tried. No use at all
you have installed the printer on a print server running windows server 2kX correct?

So, that is a print server with its IP address.

Connect to the user's remote session, open control panel > add printer then select NETWORK PRINTER and under "ADDRESS" type: \\your_server's_ip_address\printer name if you enabled printer publishing, you can search it trought the AD.

Connect to it and try to print again. Let me know if you have the same problem.
you have installed the printer on a print server running windows server 2kX correct?

So, that is a print server with its IP address.

Connect to the user's remote session, open control panel > add printer then select NETWORK PRINTER and under "ADDRESS" type: \\your_server's_ip_address\printer name if you enabled printer publishing, you can search it trought the AD.

Connect to it and try to print again. Let me know if you have the same problem.
mapping also done. Still the same issue. Basically what is happening is what ever the barcode fonts that we define in the Zebra Designer printer driver is not coming while connect by windows 2008 terminal connection. In windows 2003 its coming fine. If we enable easy print or disable it , terminal connection is susbstituting with some predefined barcode with human readable format, which cannot be scanner unless we keep the font size very big.
Sorry but I think you don't have to set up the driver in "Zebra designer printer", you have to install it on the PRINT SERVER. In printer management on the left you have printers, ports, drivers,... add a new driver > select / install the driver you need and then right click on the printer installed on print server, select DRIVER and change the actual driver with the one just installed.

From the client's pc, open a remote connection but BEFORE the login click on options and under resources UNCHECK printers. This step is just to avoid confusion.

Everytime you print, the driver is taken from the print server and not from customs programs.

Let me know
Sorry but I think you don't have to set up the driver in "Zebra designer printer", you have to install it on the PRINT SERVER. In printer management on the left you have printers, ports, drivers,... add a new driver > select / install the driver you need and then right click on the printer installed on print server, select DRIVER and change the actual driver with the one just installed.

From the client's pc, open a remote connection but BEFORE the login click on options and under resources UNCHECK printers. This step is just to avoid confusion.

Everytime you print, the driver is taken from the print server and not from customs programs.

Let me know

i will try this and let you know, thanks for the support

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