Change Dns Record For Domain Name


May 28, 2011
Pawleys Island, SC
Hello Everyone!
I have a Windows Server 2008 set up as a DNS Server among other things, and I need to alter a DNS setting for a domain name so that all LAN computers get a different IP address than what it listed with other DNS providers like say Google or OpenDNS.
I think I did this right:
  • Open Server Manager
  • Expand DNS Server
  • Expand DNS
  • Expand (SERVERNAME)
  • Expand (networkname)
  • Action > New Host (A or AAAA)
  • Name:
  • IP Address: IP.Address.For.ServerLocally
  • Add Host
That creates a com, domain subdirectory structure with a record for "sub" with the server's internal IP. However, the workstations still return with the external IP for the server when that link is called for DNS lookup. How can I make that record work and change the IP of an external domain for internal use?

Thank you! :)
Ross Lindsay
If you assigned the sub domain the same IP as the server then there isn't anyway to do what you want. If you assigned an additional IP then the only way to use that IP externally is to connect directly to the sub domain.

It sounds like you want to enable NAT which would do what you want. Look into enabling DHCP on the server and how to set up NAT.
If you assigned the sub domain the same IP as the server then there isn't anyway to do what you want. If you assigned an additional IP then the only way to use that IP externally is to connect directly to the sub domain.

It sounds like you want to enable NAT which would do what you want. Look into enabling DHCP on the server and how to set up NAT.
Not exactly. We have a PBX server that can be accessed from the internet as well as LAN. But some people that have laptops/softphones and they don't want to have to change the server's IP when the leave/reenter the building. I want to change the IP Address for the FQDN for anyone INTERNALLY who uses my DNS Server when in the building. Otherwise, everything works fine outside.
I don't need NAT. I just want to change the IP address of a domain name for anyone who attempts to browse to it while in my LAN.
Not exactly. We have a PBX server that can be accessed from the internet as well as LAN. But some people that have laptops/softphones and they don't want to have to change the server's IP when the leave/reenter the building. I want to change the IP Address for the FQDN for anyone INTERNALLY who uses my DNS Server when in the building. Otherwise, everything works fine outside.
I don't need NAT. I just want to change the IP address of a domain name for anyone who attempts to browse to it while in my LAN.
Anyone know how to do what I want?
Anyone know how to do what I want?

Not sure if I'm understanding right...

you want to achieve this:

One client is directly connected to your LAN, it "pings" and this returns an IP, let's say

Now, the same client is on the internet and it pings, you want that the IP returned will be

If this is what you want, I think you must create two DNS, otherwise you should enable zone transfering but this is a big problem for security.

Let me know.