Vpn User Settings Error


New member
May 23, 2011

I am trying to configure VPN access to my Window 2008 Server.
I have managed to set server roles:
-have installed IIS server with all security addons.
-have installed Netowork Policy and Access role

My problem is:
When I go to Active directory user and computers, I open the user that I would like to allow access to VPN services.

Then when I go to Dial-in tab I am getting this Error message (screenshots included):
Could not load the Dial-in profile for this user because: The endpoint format is invalid.

Then I click OK and another error shows up:
Dial-in page initialization failed.

I have been googling all over the internet. I have found some information regarding making sure that some keys in regedit have READ mode. All is ok. Also some people had some problems with Remote Registry service not started. All is ok on my server (started).

Please help...
hi there.
I had the same problem but with server 2k3. After following Microsoft's guide, I fixed exactly anything. The only thing I noticed is that with admin account everything was fine. In my case, I had to reinstall the AD snapin and everything was fine again.