Highest quality in GDI+

A graphics object has a property called InterpolationMode which might affect quality as its settings include Bilinear, Bicubic etc. but Im not certain hwo this property affects things.
I think smoothing mode is more aimed towards text, anti-aliasing etc. but at the end of the day youll just have to experiment.
I always check the following to get exactly the output I required;

InterpolationMode ( DrawImage uses this )

SmoothingMode ( Pens, Brushes etc )

CompositingMode ( over write or blend (( hey Microsoft, can you say Porter Duff )) )

PixelOffsetMode ( watch this one, be sure you understand the implications when stretching images etc to the screen ).

TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit; ( there are other options but grid fitting is important for good text quality with vector fonts )
