Format$ - Named numeric formats

  • Thread starter Thread starter bananafish
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I am looking to format a number with leading spaces. ie I want to display 3 as " 3", 33 as " 3" and 333 as "333"

What is the Format$ predefined numeric format for this, I thought it was Format$(intX, "##0"), but that would return "3", "33" and "333"

I then tried Format$(intX, "000") but that gives "003", "033" and "333"

Any ideas?
Well, that didnt work.

Thanks for the help anyway.

I am using .Net btw - I know I should have posted in that forum - but I didnt check where I was before I posted - and decided the question was probably the same for vb6 and .net. Guess I was wrong.

Ive written a dinky little routine to do it now anyway.