opening app after deploying it

  • Thread starter Thread starter herewegoagain
  • Start date Start date


I deployed my windows app.
I then went to open one of the apps forms in visual studio and it indicated that
"An error ocurred while loading the document. Fix the error and then try
loading the document again. Ther error message follows:
Specified cast is not valid."

I set it back to debug and still the same result. Please help...If I import one of the forms into another project they work fine.
Did you change any of the Imports or References for the project?
Did you turn on Option Explicit? Sounds like the problem is either
in the .vbproj or AssemblyInfo.vb file, but that is just a guess.
Maybe open them in notepad and compare to working versions of
those files in another project.
too funny

Thinker you are just too ironic. Whenever I figure out the problem you are there with the answer LOL.
ANyway I figured out what I did wrong. I was importing code to another project I had that I had previously used and somehow someway the codes got mixed into each other. I fixed it by creating a new project, importing the previously createcd project items into the new one and all was well. Hope the guy in that other thread sees this.