MDI Child toolbars in VB .NET

  • Thread starter Thread starter daGoon
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to create an MDI document with multiple child forms in VB NET. I have the basic concept working, but I am running into a user interface problem that wasnt present in VB6. When the child form is maximized, it ALWAYS pops up a minimize/maximize/control box in addition (below) the MDI control box. I have the MaximizeBox, MinimizeBox and ControlBox all set to False. My program is rather large, containing multiple forms. Rather than making one large program and using the tab control to hide and process the form data, I broke each form into a functional block. I am essentially trying to create a SDI look and feel using the MDI form. In VB6, this was a very easy thing to do, but I have not been able to duplicate it in VB NET.

Any help would be appreciated....

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