Sure! You just need to set the NodeFont property of each node
to a new font that is created with the FontStyle Underlined.
When you add nodes to the treeview, create a new font object
that is based on the TreeViews Font and with FontStyle.Underline
as the new style. Then set this font object to the nodes NodeFont
property and add it to the TreeView.
You could also create a recursive subroutine that loops through all
the nodes, after they are added, and underlines them by using the
same method.
In this example, tn is the TreeNode to add to the TreeView (tvw),
and f is the Font object to create from the TreeViews font.
Dim tn As New TreeNode() The Node to add
Dim f As New Font(tvw.Font, FontStyle.Underline) The new font for the node
tn.NodeFont = f Set the nodes font
tvw.Nodes.Add(tn) Add the node