I try to do MoveLast after delete a record from the database, but there is an error saying that, "Either EOF or BOF is true.The Current record has been deleted"..... Below is the code
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
Set RS = Adodc1.Recordset
CON.Open Adodc1.ConnectionString
RS.Open "Select POID, VendNo,CStatus,Currency, comment,ShipVia, FOB, Freight, ConfirmTo, " & _
"Dept, Remark, PODate, HDay, HMonth, HYear, CustName, CustLoc, " & _
"CustAddr, Disc, Netday, RegNo From PO " & _
"Where POID=" & Trim(Me.txtF(20).Text) & "", CON, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
With RS
.Find ("POID=" & Trim(Me.txtF(20).Text) & "")
If .EOF Then
text1.text=RS![POID] <---- (Error is here)
End If
.Open "delete * from POBody where POID=" & Trim(Me.txtF(20).Text) & ""
End With
Set CON = Nothing
Set RS = Nothing
End Sub
What is wrong with my code?
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
Set RS = Adodc1.Recordset
CON.Open Adodc1.ConnectionString
RS.Open "Select POID, VendNo,CStatus,Currency, comment,ShipVia, FOB, Freight, ConfirmTo, " & _
"Dept, Remark, PODate, HDay, HMonth, HYear, CustName, CustLoc, " & _
"CustAddr, Disc, Netday, RegNo From PO " & _
"Where POID=" & Trim(Me.txtF(20).Text) & "", CON, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
With RS
.Find ("POID=" & Trim(Me.txtF(20).Text) & "")
If .EOF Then
text1.text=RS![POID] <---- (Error is here)
End If
.Open "delete * from POBody where POID=" & Trim(Me.txtF(20).Text) & ""
End With
Set CON = Nothing
Set RS = Nothing
End Sub
What is wrong with my code?