
  • Thread starter Thread starter jeremy1118
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I have been learning VB.NET for about a month. I have a program I am trying to do, but have no idea where to start. I have already created the form, the coding is what I am struggling with. ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED!!
The instructions for the problem are as follows:

You have been hired by a store to develop a simple touch pad program that will compute a receipt for customer orders. Their limited single-serving menu consists of: Cornbread $.49, Chicken $2.49, Corn $.79, Hamburger $1.99, Fries $1.29, & Drink $1.49. These menu items should be graphically displayed on buttons.
To compute an order the employee would: 1. Click the picture of the Item, 2. Push a button indicating the quantity, 3. The Item name, quantity and price are displayed in a ListBox, 4. Process is repeated until order is completed, 5. Clicking Total button will compute the subtotal, tax and total and display them in the ListBox, 6. Clicking Pay button will allow the employee to use the touch screen to enter the amount of money received, 7. the program will then display the amount of change (if necessary) in a MsgBox. Clicking OK on the MsgBox will reset the program for the next customer.
The program must also meet these requirements: Request the quantity of each item ordered in via Sub Procedures, Calculate the total cost with a Function procedure, Variables such as item costs, subtotal, and tax rate should be form or class level.
If you read our posting guidelines, youll see that we wont do
your homework for you. Have a go at the code, then come back
with specific problems.. posted in the relevant board - we have
one dedicated to .NET problems.
I am NOT looking for anyone to do my homework. I am looking for advice or a clue as to where to start - maybe a couple lines of code to give me some help.
Ok, heres a place to start. How are you going to store the menu items data (name, price, bitmap)? How are you going to retrieve them?


I am going to hold the menu items name and cost in class-level variables. I guess creating a sub procedure to activate upon pressing a quantity button that will retrieve them? Thanks for your reply