startwindow refernz?


Oct 20, 2002
moin moin!
got a problem in an windows application with a lot of form:
i cant talk to the main (start) window....... :o(
i know only the class not the instance name.
so pleazzz tell me how does it work.
whats the name of it? where can i search?
Overload the forms constructers and pass a reference of the main form to them. This will allow you to access the main form from any of the secondary forms.
thanks derek stone.
i am sure u r right, but i am not sure to handle this....
the code i am searching for is in the form designer region (i hope).
i think i know (good beginning) how overload works on a function.
overload the forms constructers..... really donno
i think there must be the constructer "new" somewhere
(like: dim iform1 as new form1 )
ich cant finde anything like that in the form designer.
Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 273)
Me.Name = "Form1"
Me.Text = "Form1"
about my start form.....
isnt that for the klass of the start form?
pleazzz gimme more info
sorry for being such a newbee - in vb6 everything was easily