Can anyone convert this Perl code to VB.NET?
Can anyone convert this Perl code to VB.NET?
sub parseCSV { # (str) returns array of CSV entries (commas separated fields)
# start with Jeffrey E. F. Friedl, "Mastering Regular Expressions" method
on p 205
# modified to interpret "" as a quoted "
# Correctly parses CSV file produced by Microsoft Excel 97.
my $comma=;
my $str = $_[0];
my $preStr=$str;
my @fields = (); # initialize to null
until ( $str eq ) {
my $thisField=;
if( $str =~ m{^"([^",]*)"(|,(.*))$} ) {
$thisField = $1; $str=$3; $comma=$2;
} elsif ( $str =~ m{^([^",]*)(|,(.*))$} ) {
$thisField = $1; $str=$3; $comma=$2;
} elsif ( $str =~ m{^"(.*)$} ) { # there is a leading "
# get all "" in remainder of this field
while( $str =~ m{^([^"]*")"(.*)$} ) {
$thisField .= $1;
#hopefully we are at a [^,"]*", or " at end of line
if( $str =~ m{([^"]*)"(|,(.*))$} ) {
$thisField .= $1;
} else {
warn "Could not find a \" following >$thisField<
$thisField .= $str;
} else {
warn "Could not match >$str< in\n>$preStr<";
$str = ;
push( @fields, $thisField ); # add the just matched field
push( @fields, undef) if $comma =~ m/,$/; #account for an empty last field
return @fields;
} # end parseCSV