DirectX section...


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2002
When DX9 is released is it possible for us to get a DirectX section on these forums, much like the section on the other VB forums? :)

Speaking of DX9.. when is the SDK for that supposed to be released?
DirectX is covered by the Graphics forum (although a sub-forum
wouldnt hurt :-\)
Yeah.. I just noticed that after I posted LOL. So.. erm.. yeah, I really ment a sub-forum of the Graphics area. :) What threw me off was in the other forums its labeld as Game Programming / DirectX and here it was changed to Graphics (obviously because of the GDI+).
Well consider a subforum when the need arises for one. Right now though Managed DirectX isnt exactly popular, so a forum wouldnt make much sense at the moment.
Hopefully it will be out this or next month. The project manager indicated as much when I spoke to him.