Regular Expressions Tutorial/Code Samples..


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2002
I could really use some opinions and suggestions on this tutorial/code sample Im working on for the Text.RegularExpressions namespace. Ive never written any sort of tutorial before so its important to me that others can follow and understand it well enough.

A few things to note-
- The tutorial is in the form of comments inside the code, there is no seperate html or text file for it. Just load the project source code and start reading.
- This is not ment to teach regular expressions, it is ment to show what the RegularExpressions namespace is all about and how it can be used with regular expressions to do some spiffy things.
- My grammar sucks, theres no need to comment on that as I have a friend who said hell help me with that. ;)
- This is not finished so please do not transfer it to the tutorial or code library forum. :p

Even though this is my first tutorial type deal, Id like you to critisize as harsh as possible. :eek:

Thanks. ;)