display items from listbox to datagrid


New member
Dec 13, 2002
Hi, Im relatively new to programming.

After I load up my items in the listbox. I want to choose items and have them display in a datagrid.

For instance, If I have apples, oranges, bananas in the listbox. Say I select apples then oranges, I want them to display as a list in the datagrid. Later, I will assign values to them and add them up.

Like this:

Also, how can I load up the items from another form. Say I have a textbox in anther form that can add onto the current list.

For instance. I have a textbox named txtAddItem in frmAddItem and when I type into it and hit update, it will be added to the other forms, named frmOther, listbox.

Thanks in advance
you can use this to get the value of each item selected...
             Dim nCounter As Integer

            For nCounter = List1.Items.Count To 1 Step -1
                If List1.GetSelected(nCounter - 1) = True Then
                    MessageBox.Show(List1.Items.Item(nCounter - 1))
                End If

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