Could anyone help me with the following:
I want to create a windows service application that sits in the background and monitors 2 or 3 IIS FTP sites (IIS is running on the same machine that this program will be running on) for upload activity, when files are uploaded to the FTP user accounts the windows service application should move the files to a seperate directory (c:\location1, c:\location2 etc).
Id appretiate any help people can give - its got me completely stumped
Kind Regards,
Could anyone help me with the following:
I want to create a windows service application that sits in the background and monitors 2 or 3 IIS FTP sites (IIS is running on the same machine that this program will be running on) for upload activity, when files are uploaded to the FTP user accounts the windows service application should move the files to a seperate directory (c:\location1, c:\location2 etc).
Id appretiate any help people can give - its got me completely stumped

Kind Regards,