Splash screen


Jun 21, 2002
Hello again,

in VB6 there is a special form called splashscreen. How can I do this in DOTNET as there doesnt seem to be such a screen as in VB6? I want to show a splashscreen and on that screen I want to display some texts indicating that Im connecting to my databases. When that is done, my main form has to be showed. The problem till now was that as soon as my mainform was displayed my application ended. Does someone have an idea how this is possible and how I can prevent this? Im not working with MDIforms.
If youve got two forms, a splash form and main form, make sure your Main function is instantiating the main form. The main form can then show the splash screen (non-modally or else the main form wont continue running) and then close the splash screen once the main form has made its connection.

You can set the splash screen to be "always on top" so that it appears in front of the main form. Since its non-MDI, you could probably get away with hiding the splash screen in the main forms Activated event (which fires when the main form is being shown). This should occur after all your database work is done, I would assume.
