Line Indent/Unindent buttons greyed out on Text Edit toolbar


New member
Dec 18, 2002
Hi folks,

This is my first message here, so pardon me if this has come up before.

When I create or open a VB.NET project, the Line Indent/Unindent buttons on the Text Editor toolbar are greyed out, and I cant find a way to re-activate them. Oddly, when I create or open a C# project, the buttons are just as they are supposed to be. Maybe this is a subtle hint from Microsoft ;-)

I searched the registry high and low... and could find nothing that seemed to relate to this. I tried removing and re-entering these buttons on the toolbar. No luck. I tried creating a new custom toolbar that included these buttons. They were still greyed out. I even took the extreme measure of uninstalling and re-installing VS.NET. Nada.

Anybody out there have any suggestions? Yeah, I know... its only a minor annoyance, and I can get the same results using the Tab/Backtab keys. It just torques me off that a product as sophisticated as VS.NET would have such an annoying bug. Short of a Voodoo ritual, Im willing to try almost anything at this point.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions... even silly ones.

Glenn W. Matteson
Its because youre using Smart Tab mode. Go into the Properties,
find the Text Editor -> Basic -> Tabs option, and change the tab
mode to Block.
Thank you VolteFace! It worked. Somehow, I just knew it would turn out to be something mind-numbingly simple. And I didnt even have to resort to a voodo ritual! Whew!

Damn, you guys are good. I posted this question and within 20 minutes had a postitive response that was simple and worked like a charm. This forum officially doesnt bite rocks.
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