Remote debugging


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2002
I am having trouble using the debugging tool in VS.NET (ASP.NET).
It worked fine when I was using my local machine as a server. Yesterday I moved my project to a new PC that is acting as my web and sql server. Now I can not use the debugger. I install the remote debugger on the server and gave myself permission to debug in my Computer Management Console but I must be missing something. Can someone help me?


No error message. I have breakpoint but the debugger doesnt stop at the breakpoint. I put a breakpoint on the first line in my Sub Page_Load. Also, when I was in debug mode I Attached the process from the file menu "Tools -->Debug Processes..." still nothing.

Im now getting an error stating that I may not be part to the debugger user group. This error occurred after I did the following.

Under Project Properties > Configuration Properties > Debugging I am currently set to:

X Always use Internet Explorer when debugging Web pages
Debuggers > Enable:
X ASP.Net debugging
X ASP debugging


Only "ASP.Net debugging " should be checked, the rest unchecked.

Also, open the Web.config file and make sure this line is True...
<compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="true" />

And are you using CodeBehind?
Ok, I found my debugging problem. I hope this post will help anyone in the future that experience that same problem.

A few days ago I moved all my web files from my local PC (which acted as my web server) to a remote server. After I did that I opened my .sln file in notepad and change the url to point to the new server. The mistake I made was I used the IP address instead of the computer name (i.e. instead of http://machinename/... After I made this change I was able to debug again. I will include the error message so others can search on it (Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server. Access is denied.)

Hope this helps someone else.
