Binding a control with ASP


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2002
Okay first to Derek and guys are just ADO .NET geniuss

Anyway, Im trying to get away from using the data adapters because they are turning out to be just one big headache.

Now I have my webform all set and is complete with the correct SQL and connection statements.

MY next question is what is the syntax to connect the text of say a label control to a specific column in a database?

I tried doing it as I would in a regular windows form but I dont get the "Add" option (label.databindings.add("Text", <dataset>,"<Table.Column>")) like I do so Im obviously not doing it right.
I think you meant to say Derek and Divil are geniuses, I help out with the easy stuff.

Ill test a few thing out regarding you question.
No youve helped me as well.......and I believe in giving props to those that deserve it.

I appreciate your help.
Data binding definately should not be used in web pages. Reasons of security and lack of validation are just two of many. Try going at it using a DataAdapter, and if you need help doing so were only a few clicks away.
Thanks Derek........I did have it originally bound using the built in data adapter. If that is what you mean then Ill just put those back on. My only problem then is getting the database to update (yes Im still struggling with that).

Thanks again.