Programming Windows CE .NET?


Active member
Apr 4, 2002
With the beta version of VS 2003 now released, there are many more people beginning to program for Smart Devices (since inherent support comes with the new Visual Studio). I would like to vote for a new category just for Smart Device questions. There are only a few webboards I have found geared towards Windows CE .NET programming and most only have PPC/PPC 2002 programmers (which I am not). However, the number of people venturing out into the Smart Device world will soon be growing and this board has been such a great resource for me when programming VB.NET desktop that I was hoping it could also be used for VB.NET Smart Device questions since the two have become quite integrated. All of the other boards have an average of 2 users per day so getting help has been extremely difficult. Anyone else out there in favor of discussing the new technology?

There actually used to be one here, but it was closed due to lack of
activity. If there are enough CE questions asked in the main forum,
then perhaps the admins will create a new board. For now, you can
just ask questions in the General section.
I suppose it would be possible to add it as a trial run forum to see
how much activity it gets, as people may not ask the questions if
they dont see a specific forum for it. Adding it may increase the
traffic. The other CE forum was on the regular VB forums, so who
knows what kind of popularity it will get in the .NET world.
If we do implement a new one, we might as well just rename the CodeDom/Security one. Its never had a post, and I cant foresee it ever having one either.
I agree; its not really a broad/popular enough subject to warrent
its own forum.