size of form


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2002
Is there a (simple) possibility to adjust a form with all controls if settings like font change? I just changed my settings from 1280x1024 to 1024x768 and my font from small to big and all my forms look horrible. I want them to look just like before. Even the font of a label or something like that should be the same like before.

You should never design forms with anything but normal fonts on your development machine. There are known issues with using Large Fonts. For example, every time you switch to the designer the fonts will *keep* on growing and resizing. Its horrible :)

If you want to code for Large Fonts, its going to be a bit tougher. Your best bet is to get all controls setup first before you do too much coding. After youve compiled/built, switch to Large Fonts and run the EXE to see how things look and make adjustments. Microsoft has some guidelines, but a good rule of thumb is to leave a little space to the right of labels. If you dont have any wrapping captions, Ive used the "AutoSize" property on labels with some success.

As a note, if you have a label that may show a lot of text and you dont want wrapping to occur, you can "cheat" by changing the control to a TextBox and adjust some properties to make it look like a lable. Since the default (non-multiline) textbox control doesnt wrap, you wont have the issue of seeing the top part of a wrapped line of text. This can be useful in moderation where appropriate.

To let you know how difficult Large Fonts can be, you should check out some of MSs windows dialogs. Ive run into 2 or 3 that didnt work with Large Fonts - text in labels would scroll off the screen or too far down to read.

Good Luck!
Also, check out the AutoScale property of the Form. Supposedly, it should handle at least some of process for you.