VB Programming Environment


Jan 21, 2003
Is there any chance I can make the visual basic editor show only ONE sub at a time ? I get really confused when it shows all subs in the editor . I am really comfortable in vb6 when it shows only the one sub or function I want to edit.
Well, what you recommended is something similar to what I said, but you still see the headings of all subs and functions of the module. I want to see ONLY the sub and nothing else, just like vb6 or vb5 does. Dont tell me that I have to compromise with this too....
I want to change to each sub I want only from the listbox of the editor or from the explorer window. I dont think that this was so difficult for the vb makers to do.... Hugh!
Ive uninstalled VB6 but I dont remember every using such a feature. As I recall the listbox at the top and the class explorer did the same thing they do in .Nets IDE (scroll that method to the top). Maybe someone else will come along and help out though.
quwiltw - In the last few versions of VB it was possible to restrict the code window to display a single section of code only so that you only see a sub or the declerations section. The setting was in "Options/Editor/WindowSettings/Default to Full Module View" and it was on by default.
Its been a while since Ive had it installed. I still dont recall ever using that capability. Oh well... maybe my poor memory has eased the transition:)
There is definitely no such feature - this is a holdover from VB3 that was left in for VB4, VB5 and VB6. I liked it for VB5 but gave up on it in VB6 and when I got used to it (about a week) I loved it!

While its sad that its gone, I think youll get used to the new IDE and really grow to love Regions which are MUCH more powerful than "hiding" code by function.

The SDI interface is also gone - I know some developers that use SDI even in VB6. With all the new toolbars available in .NET, I cant imagine keeping track of them in SDI.
