Hello there
I have two forms in my project. Form A and Form B.
Form A has a dataset, correctly configured with a local database, which is modified by a DataGrid object
Form B _has_ to modify form As dataset (to add a new row to its DataGrid object)
If I pass a reference to Form As Dataset in Form Bs method and I try to add a new Row to the only table in the dataset, when I run the program the form B doesnt even draw. It presents itself as an uninitialised, basic form and the program is hung.
I said ok, I cant do this, so I tried another way. I programmed FOrm B to store information about what is to be entered into Form As dataset inside itself, so then I can call an accessor method while in Form A and update the dataset from Form A. Sounds perefect but its not.
What happens is once Form B is initialised, Form A continues its task without wayting for the data to be ready. I believe internally VB .NET uses threads...
How can I update this DataSet accessible from form A only while inside Form B ?
Heres some code
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I have two forms in my project. Form A and Form B.
Form A has a dataset, correctly configured with a local database, which is modified by a DataGrid object
Form B _has_ to modify form As dataset (to add a new row to its DataGrid object)
If I pass a reference to Form As Dataset in Form Bs method and I try to add a new Row to the only table in the dataset, when I run the program the form B doesnt even draw. It presents itself as an uninitialised, basic form and the program is hung.
I said ok, I cant do this, so I tried another way. I programmed FOrm B to store information about what is to be entered into Form As dataset inside itself, so then I can call an accessor method while in Form A and update the dataset from Form A. Sounds perefect but its not.
What happens is once Form B is initialised, Form A continues its task without wayting for the data to be ready. I believe internally VB .NET uses threads...
How can I update this DataSet accessible from form A only while inside Form B ?
Heres some code
Private Sub addTask(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles menu_add.Click
Dim df As New DataForm1()
Form A should wait here for df to finish...
Dim tsk As Task
tsk = df.getTask() this fails badly because form B is not ready, therefore tsk is Nothing
If tsk Is Nothing Then
MsgBox("tsk is nothing")
End If
Dim table As New Data.DataTable()
Dim row As System.Data.DataRow = table.NewRow()
If IsNothing(row) Then
MsgBox("row is nothing")
End If
row(1) = tsk.taskName
row(2) = tsk.startTime
row(3) = tsk.endTime
row(4) = tsk.active
row(5) = tsk.recurrent
add row to dataSet
End Sub
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