lame beginner question


Active member
Jan 24, 2003
Phoenix, Az
When I try and view my my webform in the browser all of the buttons and image boxes dont show up. also the text is not formatted the same way, its all bunched together with the same font. Ive got visual studio pro with xp pro with iis and xp service pack 1 installed.
Please help this newbie. Thank you in advance.
Are you placing the controls (buttons) at design-time or run-time?
Are any of them displayed?(which ones)
I barely use design-time controls (I mostly do everything at runtime).

Can you Zip the entire solution and post it here?
I think Im on the right track. I read somewhe that the framework should be installed after the IIs or is it vice versa, anyway, i reinstalled the framework and now I can view my form properly in the browser. The only problem now is that when I try and view it from another computer on my network the image doesnt load and when I click on the one button that is there I get an error. Does this sound like a hardware/ framework issue to you?
If its just the image I wonder if youve got hard-coded paths to the file, something like "c:\file.gif" or something?

What is the code behind your button? What does it do (specific code snippet would be good)?

I have all of the objects working properly now but the image doesnt come over to the other computer.

OK here is the code behind the image:

<asp:Image id="Image1" style="Z-INDEX: 105; LEFT: 369px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 162px" runat="server" Height="139px" Width="199px" ImageUrl="file:///D:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\Sunset.jpg"></asp:Image>
Try this for files...

<......ImageUrl="Sample Pictures\Sunset.jpg">

The images should be in "Sample Pictures" directory, and that Dir should be at the same level as your aspx file.