Query string

There are encoders/decoders and other programs/applets/Functions that can chunk the querystring into usable cryptic information. This may also enable one to get pst the default QuerString size. Although in my opinion, if your querystring is this long or you are worried about maximum length, then you are not doing something right. If you really need this many fields of data, consider a temporary db table for storage.
If you really need to pass that much data around to every page, something definitely needs to be reworked :)

If youre just passing data one time, you could use a hidden input field which has no real limit on the amount of data. There is an issue with requesting large amounts of data from a control. I cant remember the exact issue, but I know you had to do something special to pull more than 4k or so from a control (different from the querystrings maxlength). I think it had to do with treating the control like an array, but I just dont remember the details...
