Another Module Question


Jan 15, 2003
With ref to my last thread, regarding the validation of textboxes.
Dated 23/1/2003

Bucky, pointed me the right direction by creating a module with validating functions in it.

But the question i have now, is how do i validate a Listbox?

ie I have created an order form with multiple order lines, but once you have selected the Unit of Measure (ie kilos). That is the only UOM to be used. Ie Line1 is ordered in Kilos therefore order lines 2 to 5 will be ordered in kilos, if different flag and error mesage?

I hope this is clear
If UOM is at the order level, why give the users the option of selecting it at the lineItem level? Am I missing something? To answer the actual question Im not sure what what you mean by multiple order lines, is this all in a grid/listbox/ or series of textboxes/comboboxes stacked on top of each other?