Passing Current Device to other Classes

Feb 1, 2003
South Flordia
Im trying to set up separate classes to handle different parts of the engine, but Im having a problem trying to initialize the things with out the Device that Im using with the rest of Direct3D. I dont want to set the device as public so that it shows up in the application using the engine. Ive seen other engines achieve this not sure of how they did but they have multiple classes and everything runs smooth.
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I think you should do the main initialization method only in one class (the CMain class, for example).
Passing the Device to other classes can be achieved by using "creation" method inside this CMain class:
Lets suppose you have these 4 classes -
1. CMain
2. COne
3. CTwo
4. CThree

2,3,4 all have a creator method that requires passing of the Device by reference.

So, in CMain, you define
createOne() as COne
createTwo() as CTwo
createThree() as CThree
and in these methods you create an object of desided class by passing the Device by ref.
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In the constructor of your secondary classes youll want to add the device as an argument. Each class can then keep a reference to the main classs device.

For example, this would be your main class that defines the device. It assumes theres a class called Class2 that needs access to the device.
public class mainClass
    private Device dev;
    public mainClass()
        // This classs constructor, create the device
        dev = new Device(...);

        // Create class 2, passing in the device
        Class2 c = new Class2(dev);

Heres what Class2 might look like:
public class Class2
    private Device myDev;

    public Class2(Device dev)
        this.myDev = dev;

Now Class2 can use the device wherever it needs it.

Ah, I think you have to use the New() function in VB.NET. The default constructor takes no params, so you end up with New(). You can change that to New(ByRef dev As Device) I think - not 100% about VB.NET :)

Umm.. but wouldnt I call something like that in the Class 2? How am I getting it to the class 2 so I can ref it? Just give me a simple code again in your best VB syntax for each part :) .. Not sure if I get it in the C# way :-\
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Ok, here goes (may not work exactly right):
Public Class mainClass
   Private device As Device
    public Sub New()
         This classs constructor, create the device
        device = New Device(...)

         Create class 2, passing in the device
        Dim c As Class2 = New Class2(device)
    End Sub
End Class

And the second class...
Public Class Class2
    Private myDev As Device
    Public Sub New(ByRef dev As Device)
        Me.myDev = dev
    End Sub

    Private Sub UseDevice()
        You can use myDev here...
    End Sub
End Class

As the syntax of the code is correct. The usage of it within the application that I use the DLL is not working as expected. Say if I were to declare my Class 2 in the application as follows.
Dim Class2 as New Class2
It is telling me that I need to pass it the device right there when I declare it as New. This is what it is asking me for.
Dim Class2 as New Class2(Device)
I thought that making the MainClass do
Dim c As Class2 = New Class2(device)
Would pass it the device ..... :-\ Im not sure whats going on here.
Sorry, I cant understand your problem.
The correct syntax is:
Dim c2 as New Class2(mDev)
Dim c2 as Class2 = New Class2(mDev)

So, whats wrong?
Well, Im trying to pass my device and create it with in the .dll, and when I try to make the engine, and something else using the device from the engine, it wants me to pass it the device from the application that is using the engine. At least the way Nerseus is showing me.