Suppose you have a scenario where User A gets a row of data and begins editing. Then User B gets the same row, edits it, and saves it. Do you want to:
1. Not even allow User B to edit the row
2. Have User A (who is updating second) overwrite User Bs changes
3. Give User A a message that they cant update since someones changed the data since they first looked at it
4. Notify User A immediately when User B saves.
Heres some ways to handle these cases:
1. Access doesnt suppor row level locking. SQL Server does, but youll need to enable the row-level locking. Youll probably need some kind of custom row-locking: the basic idea is to set a flag on a row when editing begins. You must worry about cleanup if the user who holds the lock crashes and the lock is still held - this is never fun to implement, but sometimes necessary.
2. This is the most common scenario and easiest to implement since you dont have to do *anything*
3. This requires keeping a date or something other date/time stamp when you begin editing a row. When you go to update, check that the date in the database matches your date. If they dont match, someone else has already updated your row. Youll have to decide if the second user is out of luck or if you try to do some kind of merge (or use Number 2 and just overwrite anyway, after a message).
4. This is pretty much impossible so dont worry about it